Valentines Collection
Cheesecake Bouquet
AED 250.00 -
Pistachio Bouquet
AED 200.00 – AED 620.00 -
Azraq Blue Bouquet
AED 330.00 -
Ice Cream Vase Arrangement
AED 150.00
Best Seller
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Custom designs and floral arrangement to elevate your reception, lobby or office spaces.
Bring green spaces into your home or office with our large collection of high-quality indoor...
Who We Are
Camelia is known for its quality in delivering finest flowers across UAE & GCC.
With branches in the heart of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, we take pride in our reputation for delivering the finest quality flowers sourced from the best locations in the world. Our experts are specialized in creating floral and green works of art to elevate your places, events, and occasions.
Every bouquet embodies our distinct ethos of being timeless, balanced and simply beautiful.