
Immerse yourself in the rugged beauty of the desert with our Moab Rose Bouquet. This captivating arrangement features the soft elegance of Quicksand Roses, beautifully paired with the striking Vanda Jeff Leatham orchids. Dried Strelitzia Leaves and vibrant Leucadendron Safari Sunset add unique texture, while the bold Sanguisorba Red and Cotinus Red bring warmth and depth. Finished with a touch of lush Pistacia Bunch, this bouquet is a perfect fusion of desert charm and sophistication, ideal for any occasion.

Basic Flower Bouquet Care Tips
  1. Flowers should be displayed in a cool place. Keep out of direct sunlight.
  2. Fill the vase with fresh, clean water.
  3. Replace the water every few days.
  4. Clean the vase before adding room-temperature water to it.
  5. To allow the flower to absorb as much water as possible, cut the stems 3/4″ to one inch from the bottom at an angle.
  6. Remove dead or damaged flowers or foliage from the vase that fall below the waterline. After that, place them back into the clean vase filled with fresh water and flower food.
"Flowers whisper 'Beauty!' to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall."

Premium, Deluxe, Grandiose, Extravagant


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Moab Rose Bouquet

200 AED500 AED

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