
Introducing our Pink Floyd Roses Bouquet, featuring exquisite blooms with elegantly flipped petals reminiscent of classic French roses. Each rose showcases a beautiful gradient of soft pinks and deeper hues, creating a striking visual effect that captivates the senses. The unique petal formation adds texture and depth, making this bouquet a true work of art. Perfect for expressing love, celebrating special moments, or brightening your space, the Pink Floyd Roses Bouquet combines elegance with a touch of whimsy.



Premium, Deluxe, Grandiose, Extravagant


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Introducing our Pink Floyd Roses Bouquet, featuring exquisite blooms with elegantly flipped petals reminiscent of classic French roses. Each rose showcases a beautiful gradient of soft pinks and deeper hues, creating a striking visual effect that captivates the senses.

150 AED500 AED

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