Evoke the spirit of spring with our Pink Blossom bouquet. These flowers symbolize new beginnings and fresh possibilities. This Bouquet Contains Hydrangea Pink, Light Pink Anthurium, White Allium, Pink Astilbe, Quicksand Roses, Light Pink Chrysanthemum Deco, Asclepias Orange, Strelitzia Leaf, Yellow Lily, Eucalyptus Leaves. ***We fully depend on the Floral Farms all around the World. If any flower is not available in the order, we will replace it with identically colored flowers, to keep same style and color combination.
Flower Care
Delivery Policies
Cancellation & Refund
Cancellation and Refund: Orders may be amended or cancelled up to 24 hours before the intended delivery date and you will be eligible for Refund.
For product quality concern, please communicate with Customer Service Team and they will be happy to assist.
Phone : +971 2 207 2227
Email : camelia@cesupport.ae